See also:
Japanese websites about cannabis
International cannabis and drug reform websites
International government publications about cannabis
Websites by private individuals
Japanese hemp websites:

International websites on cannabis / hemp / marijuana:

- DRCNet Online Drug Policy Library
is a great source of information on drug policy. Its
DRCNet mailing list
currently has over 10000 subscribers and provides one or two drug
policy updates per week.
Carl E. Olsen's Marijuana Archive
is one of the best sites on the internet for information about marijuana.
Carl E. Olsen of the Iowa Libertarian Party is a grassroots activist
who has accumulated a treasure trove of documents on marijuana prohibition.
NORML's weekly media releases with NetMind
URL-Minder to be notified of new press releases.
- N.O.R.M.L. is the
longest established marijuana reform organization in the U.S. Their web site
contains information on federal and state marijuana laws. One of its most
active branches in Cyberspace is Portland NORML, featuring
on marijuana and drugs policy.
- Marijuana Policy Project
is an organization lobbying in Washington D.C. towards a harm-reduction
oriented marijuana policy.
- The Lindesmith Center is a Manhattan-based
drug policy research institute supported by financier George Soros.
Their site features full-text articles from the academic & popular press focusing
on drug policy from economic, criminal justice, and public health perspectives.
The Center also hosts an ongoing seminar series and sends out mailings regarding
media events and new articles via both email and smail.. The center also has a
mailing list of upcoming events.
- DrugSense works to ensure more balanced and accurate media coverage of drug policy issues and maintains a comprehensive archive of drug policy news. Free e-mail subscription services include: The Drugnews-Digest, a regular compilation of news excerpts; DrugSense Weekly, a newsletter which encapsulates and reviews the week's most significant news; Focus Alerts, bulletins on important news articles to facilitate a concerted response in the form of letters to the editor; and the Media Awareness Project, which provides the E-mail discussion list MAPTalk.
Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp in Portland,
Oregon (USA) is working to tax and regulate sales of cannabis to adults in state-run
liquor stores through the
Oregon Cannabis Tax Act.
Cannabis Culture
is an excellent Canadian magazine published in Vancouver covering
cannabis worldwide. CC #13 (July/August 1998) featured a special report
on cannabis culture in Japan.
- High Times,
founded 25 years ago, is a magazine dedicated to marijuana culture,
cultivation, drug policy, etc. It has seen better days but is still
a source of some good information.
Age 21 and above only.
- has a great 16 page brochure on hemp.
- Hemp-CyberFarm
is an internet resource for everything about industrial hemp.
- The next Santa Cruz Hemp Expo
in California will take place in May 13-14, 2000.
- The
UK Cannabis Information is the best site in the UK
for information on cannabis and cannabis policy.
NORML New Zealand - lots of information about cannabis,
its prohibition, and how YOU can help bring about drug law reform
and the legalisation of cannabis.
- The
New Zealand Drug Foundation, a distinguished group
of academicians and clinicians, released a
discussion paper
concerning the cannabis (marijuana) policy of the island
nation. The paper recommended several alternatives to prohibition,
ranging from civil fines in place of criminal sanction,
to a system of regulation, under which adults could buy
cannabis legally from licensed vendors.
Cannabis Legal and
Legalize Austria are German language websites that camapaign for more rational drug policies in their respective countries.
Cannabis Directories:
is an interesting new directory of marijuana on the Internet.
is an index of German cannabis sites.
International Government Publications
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report (USA, 1999)
The report
"Marijuana and Medicine" the US "Drug Czar" wishes he never asked for: Marijuana is medicine!
The World Health Organization (WHO)
WHO-report on Cannabis (the first in 15 years)
that the World Health Organization doesn't want you to read.
This study was peer-reviewed for two years but ultimately censored
since it concluded that alcohol and tobacco were more harmful than cannabis.
Swiss Federal Institute of Health
Cannabis report of the Swiss Federal Commission for Drug Issues
(Adobe PDF)
Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport
Q & A Drugs 2000
(Adobe PDF)
Drugs Policy in the Netherlands
(Adobe PDF)
Drugs Policy in the Netherlands (local HTML version)
Trimbos-instituut (Netherlands Institute of Mental Health and Addiction)
National Drug Strategy papers on cannabis (Australia 1994):
The health and psychological consequences of cannabis use
See here for a local copy
Legislative options for cannabis use in Australia
See here for a local copy
Interesting websites by private individuals: