See also:
"Hempen Culture in Japan",
Hemp Library,
taima.org main index
Previous chapter:
Agricultural and Economic Issues
Cannabis in Japan
A vocabulary primer
This Kanji is read MA in Chinese and represents two hemp plants hanging upside down from the rafters of a drying shed.
Asa = The Japanese reading for the traditional kanji character for hemp In the post war era, also refers to jute, sisal & flax as well as true cannabis.
Taima = If you combine the character for big with the character for hemp, you get big hemp or cannabis sativa. The official word for the plant used on law act that prohibits its cultivation.
marifana = Common slang adaption of the Mexican/ American word for cannabis.
choko= A modern Japanese slang for weed, kinda like ganja (which is also used)
happa= Leaf A common used term used the same way as weed.
kusa = Grass as in You got any grass?
maku = The verb to roll. Try happa o maku Roll up some weed.
dozo = This is the closest to say here, take this as you pass the joint. A polite word used in everyday use.
happachu / happaboke = Weed junkie, used a bit lightheartedly sometimes as the suffix also refers for harder drugs.
Next chapter:
Cannabis Culture in contemporary Japan
See also:
"Hempen Culture in Japan",
Hemp Library,
taima.org main index
