Pubdate: 1999.04.29
Source: NORML weekly news
Swiss Government Committee Says Legalize Marijuana
April 29, 1999, Bern, Switzerland:
The Swiss government should
legalize the sale and use of marijuana, a federally appointed panel urged
last week. Their recommendation responds to a government inquiry to
revise the country's drug laws.
The federal commission proposed licensing marijuana sales to Swiss
adults. The plan also would prohibit sellers from advertising the drug,
and allow the state to regulate marijuana's market value.
Panelists made their recommendation after determining that
marijuana posed little danger as a gateway drug and negligible health risks
compared to legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco. The experts also
acknowledged that marijuana prohibition failed to discourage widespread
use of the drug.
The Associated Press reported that Swiss Cabinet officials will
likely reject the recommendation, but did not rule out the measure's
eventual passage in a national referendum.
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre of The NORML
Foundation @ (202) 483-8751.
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